Girls Across America - Live From Nashville
Flash back a week to when we said that Girls were going to play a free, all ages concert this Friday at Grimey’sdown in Nashville. Remember that? Good. Now, fasten your socks lest they be knocked off. To celebrate today’s release of the freshly BNM’d Father, Son, Holy Ghost – and pay homage to the hundreds of indie record stores who have it on sale – we’re going to be live webcasting Friday’s Nashville concert from Grimey’s across the websites, blogs and Facebooks of participating independent record stores across the nation. It’s the first ever NATIONWIDE in-store performance. GIRLS ACROSS AMERICA! So this Friday 9/16 at 6pm EST make sure to tune in to your favorite record store’s website, blog or Facebook to watch the performance Live From Nashville. ……aaaand there’s more: As another nod to indie record stores, Girls will create a limited edition vinyl release exclusive to stores participating in this live streaming event, to be made available later this year. Check out participating stores HERE and LONG LIVE INDIE RETAIL!
2:08 PM | | 0 Comments
4th ANNUAL 33 1/3 SALE SEPT 10-11th!!
The updates have been a little infrequent lately, but you can keep up to date with all of our new stock, both new and used, by checking our Facebook page. It's easier to update and you get instant satisfaction. We're hopefully planning some big things and lately have been buying more records than we can put out, so come by and say hello.
Anyway, now to the more important stuff...the return of the 33 1/3 sale!
This weekend marks the return of the now 4th annual 33 1/3 sale. Originally started on my 33 1/3 birthday (4 months after my real birthday), but no one really seemed to understand the relation and kept wishing me happy birthday all day. So now it has become more than that and an annual sale to show you my love. We need to clear things out and you need cheap records, what a great trade! Tell all of your friends because this is short notice and if you snooze that's too bad. We don't do many sales anyway, but we appreciate your business and want to show you with this awesome sale. This year we decided to make the sale even better by making it Saturday and Sunday. That way even if you go to Hopscotch Fest you can still check out the sale on Sunday!
- LPs, CDs, DVDs, 7"s, 10"s, books, stickers, patches, everything! Saturday & Sunday ONLY!
IN ADDITION ALL USED LPs, CDs, & DVDs ARE BUY 2 GET 1 FREE! - This is combined with the 20% off, which basically amounts to buy one get one free (or a combined 47% off of all used if you want to get exact). Hopefully that makes sense. It's a lot easier for us to ring it up that way.
10:10 AM | Labels: general news, sale | 0 Comments